
Covid-19 Vaccine and B117 Variant: What Swimmers Need To Know

Covid-19 Vaccine and B117 Variant: What Swimmers Need To Know

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Singapore Approved Covid-19 Vaccine

Singapore currently has two vaccines approved for use: Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. They are messenger RNA vaccines, which means they carry similar genetic material that mimics the virus particle. This is why you might experience symptoms like lethargy, muscle aches, nausea and fever as your immune system learns how to fight the virus. Do note that those below 18 years old, pregnant women, and those who are highly immunocompromised should not be vaccinated from COVID-19.

If you choose to get vaccinated, you’ll be happy to know that you can resume your exercise regimes, including swimming, once you feel back to normal after a day or two. Do note however, that it is advised to start off slow as high intensity workouts could place more stress on your body. This is because your immune system is probably still trying to formulate an immune response. Bottom line: listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard! After all, taking a rest day can improve your recovery and let you come back stronger.

Is it safe to swim during the Covid-19 period?

But rest assured— vaccinated or not, it is safe to swim during the COVID-19 outbreak. In fact, experts have said that contact with water would in fact kill the virus, as the respiratory nature of the virus cannot survive in a chlorinated environment such as in most local swimming pools. Of course, you can play your part in staying home when not feeling well and checking with the pool staff that they do frequent water quality checks. Plan your visit to the beaches at a less crowded time like on weekdays, and bring supplies on top of your usual gear, like extra masks and hand sanitizers.

Swim lessons for your children do not have to take a backseat. As long as safe distancing regulations are complied with in both individual and group classes, learner swimmers can still have a fulfilling time. If you wish to take heightened precautions, just head home directly after swimming and refrain from using the public shower facilities. In Singapore, the authorities have safety measures in place. These include placing a cap on the number of swimmers allowed in our swimming complexes, implementing lane segregation and closing children’s pools. There is also an online booking system for the beaches during peak periods.

B117 Variant in Singapore

In January this year, 25 cases of the B117 variant of COVID-19 were detected in Singapore. This strain first emerged in the UK. Naturally, it raised eyebrows and was a cause of concern as this mutated variant was seen to be more dangerous. Basically, there are mutations found in its genome, and one particular mutation seems to be the prime culprit. The N501Y mutation is located in the spike protein on the surface of the virus. Hence, it means there is a higher transmission rate since the virus can bind more tightly to the surface receptor.

So… what do these all mean? Researchers aren’t too sure yet, but they definitely have been working on uncovering if this variant will affect the effectiveness of vaccines in any way. But not to worry, as local experts have expressed confidence in the existing vaccines even with the threat of the B117 strain. In fact, manufacturers Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna have stated that their vaccines would be effective against new strains. Regardless, as mentioned earlier, the chance for the virus surviving in chlorinated water is extremely low, so there is no need to worry too much.


Ultimately, swimming is a sport that can be a tool for all of us to have a sense of a normal routine in these trying times. Not only does it do wonders for your physical health by boosting your immunity, your mental wellbeing will be improved as well when you take that time to clear your mind and just relax. So be encouraged to keep on swimming, as taking care of yourself is a sure way for all of us to get through this together.

Talk to us and find out more about our Condo Swimming Lessons.

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Content Writer

I’m Isabel, your friendly uni student who’s always waddling knee deep in readings and projects. But I’ll go through hell and high water to have regular suppers with my friends. You can find me with a film camera in one hand and a flat white in the other on the weekends. Also am able to rescue you if you ever capsize from a sea kayak.

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