
 6 Ways Swimming Benefits Brain Function

6 Ways Swimming Benefits Brain Function

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Not only does swimming give you a well-sculpted body; your stamina and cardio fitness is sure to improve when you make swimming a part of your lifestyle. However, what is lesser known is that clocking your laps in the water brings forth immense improvement to your brain function and overall mental well-being.

Stimulates Better Memory

Swimming stimulates the growth of the neutrons within your hippocampus, which is responsible for memory retention. Your blood also gets pumping when you work on those dolphin kicks, which also helps with your memory as blood flow increases. In fact, swimming improves overall blood flow much more than land-based activities like running and cycling. You can observe its positive effects in the long run as things like retaining chunks of information becomes easier, and performance at work or school improves.

Gives Mental Clarity

Have a difficult decision to make at work or a mammoth task of convincing your three kids to eat their vegetables? Grab your goggles and head into the water, because chances are you’ll be able to clear your head and be refreshed for all that life may throw at you. Immersing yourself in water has a meditative effect on the mind, and makes you aware of your techniques and breath work. This is a result of external stimuli being cut off, allowing you to relax and focus on soaking in the experience.

Promotes Social Skills

Water bodies have always been a great place to gather with family and friends. Be it at the family pool, out at sea, or by the river, young and old have the chance to interact with each other in a casual and relaxing environment. For children, they are exposed to socio-emotional skills from a young age which would follow them as they grow up into confident individuals. Adults benefit too, by practicing building and maintaining relationships with each other as well as expanding social circles.

Develops Cognitive & Motor Functions

When swimming, one uses a range of motion called the bilateral cross-patterning movements. Simply put, both sides of the body carry out the same action in an alternating manner when practicing swimming strokes. As a result, your coordination and motor skills are put through their paces and you end up a more sharp and focused person. In fact, studies have shown that children who learn swimming exhibit better cognitive skills compared to their peers who do not. These are very useful and transferable skills which can be used in any area in life!

Boosts Mood

Immersing yourself in cold water has shown to keep a hormone known as cortisol in check. Cortisol is a natural stimulant that helps us cope with the stress of everyday life, but too much can lead to a weakened immune system. Thus, a dip in cold waters releases any excess hormones and instantly makes you feel better. Muscle movements and deep breathing also aid in lifting low moods caused by stress or other external factors. You can’t deny that having a good soak in the water will do wonders to your overall well-being.

Chases Away the Blues

More attention has been placed on mental health issues such as depression and anxiety these days. In fact, one in four people are likely to suffer from a mental health condition at some point in their lifetime. But bring swimming into the picture and you’ll be able to see how it provides respite. It gives us humans ‘Blue Mind’, which is the term used to describe water-related calm and tranquility. Human beings have a positive response when we are near water, which helps in maintaining our wellness and peace.


Swimming has proven itself to be not just exercise for the body, but a workout for the mind too. While you smash those goals to lose weight and tone your arms and legs, you can be confident that your mental welfare is being taken care of as well. Nevertheless, these benefits merely scratch the surface of how swimming enhances brain function. Bear them in mind the next time you’re contemplating whether to head for a swim!

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Content Writer

I’m Isabel, your friendly uni student who’s always waddling knee deep in readings and projects. But I’ll go through hell and high water to have regular suppers with my friends. You can find me with a film camera in one hand and a flat white in the other on the weekends. Also am able to rescue you if you ever capsize from a sea kayak.

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