
Is It Safe To Swim During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Is It Safe To Swim During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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From sporting events being closed doors, to major events like EURO 2020 being postponed, this is something we have never witnessed before. Closer to home, social distancing has resulted in many sports being rendered unwise to carry on.

That said, the dilemma persists with swimming. Does water bodies cause a transmission of COVID-19? It is SAFE to swim during this uncertain time? With team sports out of the question, many are begging to head into the pools to do sports other than running. But is it truly safe?

On Jan 23, we saw the first case of Corona-virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Singapore. To date, this virus has resulted in over 40,000 cases in Singapore alone and millions worldwide. As the numbers keep increasing, it is natural and normal for all of us to be in constant fear, afraid that one day, we could just be that unlucky one.

Several countries have implemented strict public health measures, including lock-downs and border closures. Singapore has also just moved to phase 2 after almost 2 months of the Circuit Breaker. Several activities have started to reopen, including swimming pools. However, many are afraid to swim during this outbreak for the fear of the virus transmitting through water bodies. This is totally wrong! Let me tell you 4 reasons why it is safe and the more you should swim during this pandemic!

Transmission is ONLY through Respiratory Droplets

COVID-19 spreads primarily from person to person through respiratory droplets produced from coughing and sneezing from close personal contact. This can be such as touching or shaking hands, with those infected. It could also spread if one touches his/her face after touching a contaminated surface.

For now, no evidence has been found suggesting that the virus can be spread through water in pools, hot tubs, or water playgrounds. Therefore, even The Straits Times reported that swimming is one of the safer sporting activities. In actual fact, it is recommended to carry on swimming as it has proven to be beneficial for children and adults. This is especially so in the realm of building up our immunity system to combat the viruses during these trying times.

In actual fact, worry less about the water, and more about the person standing next to you in a crowded shower room!

Interactions with others outside the pool might have a greater likelihood of spreading the virus than inside the pools.

As such, rather than using the common showers and locker rooms, bathing at home could be a safer precautionary measure. To reduce unnecessary contact with others, it is also advised to avoid hanging around the pool area and head home directly after swimming.

Chlorine Helps to Kill the COVID-19 Virus

Why is chlorine added to the water in swimming pools? Chlorine is usually added to the water due to its ability to kill germs.

When chlorine is added, it forms a weak acid called hypochlorous acid, which is an active sanitizing agent that kills bacteria like salmonella and E. coli.

And yes, it should be able to inactivate the COVID-19 virus too! Therefore, in actual fact, there might be even lower risk in terms of catching the virus from the water. So if you are worried about the virus transmitting through the water in the pool, fret not!

Regular Cleansing Regime Maintained

With this pandemic going, government agencies such as Singapore’s National Environment Agency have been keeping a close watch in ensuring that water quality of the pools always complies with the Environmental Public Health (Swimming Pools) Regulations. To do so, the management and owners of premises are required to conduct daily testing of the pool water for pH and disinfectant levels, as well as maintain a regular cleansing regime.

For instance, condominium pools were strict to ensure that all water had to be tested even when Phase 2 in Singapore started.

Therefore, if all of us observe good public hygiene practices and exhibit social responsibility, it is perfectly safe to swim during this COVID-19 pandemic.

One way to prevent social interaction while still attending swimming lessons would be to sign up for private swimming lessons instead. Group classes may not be ideal now especially when exiting and entering the pools. With times like these, paying for a bit more for the private swimming lessons would definitely be more worth the value.

Boost Immune System

Staying active to boost one's immunity during this coronavirus pandemic has been emphasised countless times as those with weak immune systems are more susceptible to the COVID-19 virus. However, some of you might want to remain active by engaging in other activities but find difficulties in doing so due to the joint pains. And as mentioned earlier, swimming does wonders for immunity for both children and adults.

As the buoyancy of the water is able to support your body weight by up to 90%, this is one of the few exercises that is low impact, low weight-bearing and can help strengthen and improve your immune system. Swimming is definitely one good sport that you can engage in so as to fight this infectious and potentially deadly virus.


Therefore, for those who want to enjoy swimming during this period, the guidelines and risks are the same as for any other outdoor activity. Always remember to practice social distancing, wash your hands often and wear your masks. If you can go out for a run or a meal, you can definitely go for a swim too!

Sign up for our 1-1 swimming lessons be it you are a kid or adult, and stay strong together in our fight against COVID-19.

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Ng Kai Ting

Content Writer

Hi all! I am an avid traveller, baker and avid childhood education writer. Being able to share my experience through words has always been a passion of mine. Through my writing, I hope you will gain more knowledge of the swimming world and share my passion for swimming too!

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