
8 Important Skin Care Tips For Swimmers

8 Important Skin Care Tips For Swimmers

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Chlorine is important in swimming pools to kill bacteria. This includes the COVID-19 virus, making it safe to swim even during this pandemic. As much as this is so, the negative effects that chlorine have on you should not be neglected.

The chlorine in your swimming pools removes the layer of essential oils on your skin, making it extremely dry and itchy. If you have sensitive skin like me, it is not uncommon to have cases of irritation or rash from the chlorine too. Chlorine may even worsen if you suffer from other skin conditions, such as eczema.

Therefore, it is extremely vital for swimmers to protect their skin. Here are some skin care tips for you! Don’t be lazy and start today!

Apply your sunscreens

No, sunscreens are not only for ladies who are afraid of being tanned! Every swimmer should apply sunscreen, even males.

UV radiation is harmful to the skin, resulting in premature aging. In serious cases, it might even lead to skin cancer. Does this mean that you do not need to put on sunblock if you are swimming in an indoor pool?

No! Even if you are swimming indoors, please apply sunscreen too. Most sunscreens contain oils that could prevent your skin from drying out. Therefore, it is important to put sunscreen on regardless of whether you are swimming indoors or outdoors.

Sunscreens should be applied 30 minutes before exposing your skin to the sun, and reapplied around every 2 hours. Do also remember to check if your skin is sensitive to the chemicals in your sunblock before using them.

Rinse BEFORE swimming

Everyone knows that you need to shower after swimming, but did you know that it is equally important to rinse before swimming?

By rinsing yourself with clean water before exposure to chlorine would be able to reduce the amount of chlorine absorption by the skin. This can then lessen the risks of skin irritations that could be caused by the chlorine in swimming pools. 

Apart from that, a pre-swim rinse can also wash off any bacteria or sweat that you might have on your body instead of bringing them into the pools. Did you know that the pungent gases emitted from the pools is due to chemical reactions between chlorine and organic matter, like sweat? These pungent gases may potentially trigger asthamatic attacks for some swimmers

Therefore, do rinse before swimming! It is not only for your own sake, it is also to do your part as a socially responsible user.

Rinse or shower immediately AFTER swimming

Seems obvious? You will be surprised how many people delay their post-swim rinse or shower until after they reach home. If you are not one of them, that's good but if you are, it is time to change that habit of yours!

Swimming in chlorinated water itself is already very damaging to the skin, needless to say letting them stay on your skin for extended periods of time. Showering with warm water and antibacterial soap after your swim can also remove any bacteria on your skin and hair. This reduces the risks of you contracting any infections.

Therefore, do your skin a favour by getting yourself rinsed as soon as you step out the pool!

Don’t forget your moisturisers!

Similar to the sunscreens, this is not only for the ladies! If you think it is too girly to apply moisturisers after showering, you are definitely doing your skin a disservice.

After drying your skin out during the swim, it is very important to re-hydrate your skin using moisturisers. This keeps your skin soft and in a good condition in the long run. Definitely requires a bit of discipline here!

Take note of chafing areas

Do pay more attention to areas of your skin where there might be friction. Those areas are more sensitive and thus, might be more susceptible to greater irritation by chlorine.

Consider applying a layer of vaseline on those areas for greater protection!

Stay hydrated

Drink up! If you are not drinking enough water, dehydration can cause your skin to become more easily damaged by chlorine.

After your swim, you would also need to drink plenty of water to replenish the moisture you have lost. Keeping your body hydrated also purifies your skin and flushes out toxins.

So do make sure to drink enough water such that your urine is never darker than light yellow.

Take care of your swimwear

Your swimwear is constantly in contact with your skin so it is very important to keep it clean and in good condition. Don’t underestimate the effects of your swimsuit on your skin!

After your swim, try to get it washed as soon as possible. Also make sure that they are thoroughly washed, preferably using a mild soap, to remove any chlorine that might be left behind.

If the chlorine is not washed off properly, dried chlorine might cause skin irritations the next time you use the swimsuit. In addition, the colours on your swimsuit may fade and the fabric may disintegrate as well.

This problem may even be more aggravated if you are swimming in open water, as the sea water can potentially cause issues to your gear. This in turns results in them not protecting your skin. Hence do take note to prepare proper gears if you are looking to swim in the open sea!

Chlorine Neutralising Lotions

What's that?

Chlorine neutralising creams are designed to prevent skin irritation and minimise damage caused by chlorine. Such lotions contain components that neutralise chlorine and create a protective layer on your skin. Consider purchasing one of these!


Unfortunately, dry and itchy skin is indeed an unwanted side effect of swimming. However, this should not be the reason stopping you from learning to swim. There are so many reasons why children should learn to swim from young that are far more important. Check out your local Swim School for Kids Swimming Lessons

Therefore, try out the skin care tips above! Don’t let the effects of chlorine stop you from engaging in such an excellent sport!

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Ng Kai Ting

Content Writer

Hi all! I am an avid traveller, baker and avid childhood education writer. Being able to share my experience through words has always been a passion of mine. Through my writing, I hope you will gain more knowledge of the swimming world and share my passion for swimming too!

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