
Swimming And Asthma

Swimming And Asthma

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Asthma is a very common medical condition worldwide that could affect people of all ages, races, and genders. Around 5% of adults and 20% of children suffer from asthma in Singapore. Many parents are afraid to allow their kids, who suffer from asthma, to learn swimming as they are afraid that such strenuous exercise and the chlorinated pool water would trigger asthmatic symptoms.

This is totally wrong! In fact, swimming is one of the best exercises for asthma. For instance, the commonly used breaststroke is one of the most beneficial healthy strokes for all! This directly ties in to help asthmatic patients. Furthermore, swimming is even more highly encouraged during times like this, where the COVID-19 pandemic rooms. This is due to its health benefits which is immeasurable.

Let me explain why!

What is asthma?

Before we go into the reasons why asthmatic patients should learn swimming, what is asthma to begin with?

Asthma is a medical condition, which involves narrowing and swelling of airways when exposed to certain trigger factors. The airways may also produce extra mucus, increasing the difficulty of breathing. Coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath might also be triggered as a result.

However, the severity and triggering factors of asthma varies in every individual. For some individuals, asthma is only a minor issue to them but for some others, their asthma even affects their daily routines and might lead to a life-threatening asthma attack if they are not careful.

Why is swimming good for people with asthma?

Swimming has long been recommended to be a good form of exercise for those suffering from asthma. This is because swimming allows asthmatic patients to take in the air near the surface of the water which tends to be warm and moist, thus less likely to trigger the symptoms of asthma. Comparing this to other exercises, such as running, which require them to breathe in the cold, dry air from the environment, swimming might be the better sport for them to engage in.

In addition, there have been studies done that showed positive results in reducing the severity of asthmatic symptoms using swimming, with 70% of children having reduced asthma severity after just two years in a swimming program. Is that all?

Nope, here’s more!

Swimming Increases Lung function

Swimming is proven to increase lung function and cardiopulmonary fitness. As swimmers pick up good breathing techniques from swimming, their lung capacity can also be increased. All in all, swimming is a perfect low impact exercise that promotes general fitness and fun for everyone, including those with asthma!

Does chlorinated water cause asthmatic attacks?

Many people with asthma are afraid of swimming in pools as they are afraid that the strong smell given off by the chlorine could trigger their asthmatic symptoms. However, most, if not all, pools have chlorine in them to act as disinfectant, removing bacteria and other germs to keep the water clean. Does that mean that people with asthma cannot swim?

Absolutely not! Actually, the gases that cause asthma symptoms are not due to the chlorine itself! It is the chemical reactions that occur when chlorine comes into contact with organic matter, such as sweat and urine, that emits such pungent gases into the atmosphere.

Therefore, asthma attacks caused by chlorinated pools might be true for pools that are badly maintained. However, for countries like Singapore, that put in place strict criteria on the cleanliness of the swimming pools in order to operate, such situations should not be a common sight. If you are still feeling unsafe, you can choose to swim in better ventilated outdoor pools instead!

Consult the doctor!

But of course, the situation differs for every individual so be sure to talk to your doctor about your condition before making the way down to the swimming pool!

Swim With Us

Ng Kai Ting

Content Writer

Hi all! I am an avid traveller, baker and avid childhood education writer. Being able to share my experience through words has always been a passion of mine. Through my writing, I hope you will gain more knowledge of the swimming world and share my passion for swimming too!

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