
5 Latest Pool Technology for Your Convenience

5 Latest Pool Technology for Your Convenience

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Smart Swim Goggles

Image Credit : FormSwim

This invention sounds like something out of Iron Man! These smart goggles allow you to swim with accurate, real-time performance metrics and can even be connected to your smartwatches and heart rate monitors. This definitely blows the gate to smart training wide open! Some brands even offer smart watches that allow coach to swimmer connection, which literally sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie. Coaches can now analyse how their trainee is performing in real time and provide better, more efficient cues for improvement. At this rate, in a few years, the contenders at swim meets are going to be ultra-impressive! Some models even display a lap timer which could be a great way for swimmers to push themselves even with no one around.

UV Water Purification

Those of you who have pools in your backyard or if you own a swimming pool, you’d be blown away by this new introduction. One of the two newest advanced pool technologies is the UV water purification system. What this does, put simply, is to kill microorganisms and keep your pool clean. The scientific explanation is that through a germicidal frequency of UV light, this system deranges the DNA of microorganisms which halts their ability to reproduce. 

It’s been tested to be safe and is chemical-free since all that happens is UV light zapping water. The times of using chemicals to ensure the pool water remains clean might just be behind us. Say bye to chlorine-filled pools!

Ozone Oxidation

While chlorine is a very strong disinfectant that has been used for years in pools everywhere, ozone is even more powerful. It’s been tested to prove that it can kill chlorine-resistant microorganisms and pathogens. Pathogens are organisms that lead to diseases when it enters your body! Not to mention that when ozone oxidation occurs, it increases the oxygen in the water as well.

To the parents reading this, there’s nothing more important than the safety of the family, am I right? Here’s how to guarantee protection. The ozone oxidation and UV water purification systems are most effective when used together since it guarantees the cleanest and safest pool for you and your family!

Adjustable-Depth Pool

Image Credit : Rivosurf

Image Credit : Rivosurf

Ever wanted to go swimming only to remember that you have a kid’s pool in which the water level is at your knees when you stand up? Or ever wished you didn’t have to choose between purchasing outdoor furniture or a pool? This invention will solve your problems! With just the push of a button, the height of your pool floor can be raised or lowered. Friends coming over for a swim? Lower the floor! Oh, they’re bringing kids? Make it shallow enough so it’s safe. What’s more impressive is that you can raise it fully, converting it into an outdoor “chill spot” where you can organize a barbeque night! There’ll always be enough space!

Auto-Clean Robot Vacuum

Image Credit : PoolHk 

Yes, these pool-cleaning robots are not as new as the other four inventions above. But they have been through a fresh upgrade! Now, these auto-clean-bots can even clean pool WALLS and STEPS. Oh, and of course they can also be remotely controlled now! Not to mention that you can set the frequency for when you want your pool cleaned and leave it to the machine to do the rest. You also don’t have to constantly check on the capacity of the filter bag as some models alert you whenever it’s filled to the brim.


Technology never fails to amaze. What would we do without it? For starters, we’ll have less time on our hands for sure. Fortunately for us, we get to let technology do the hard work while we reap the rewards of countless hours spent in the pool, playing games with the family or enjoying some hydrotherapy!

Join us at Condo Swimming Lesson as we introduce you these new technologies. 

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Ashwini Malathi

Content Writer

Hello everyone! I'm a gym enthusiast who gets very excited at the sight of dogs. Drinking teh tarik is my form of relaxation. I hope you share my passion for anything fitness-related through my writing!

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