
7 Important Rules To Teach Your Kid About Pool Safety

7 Important Rules To Teach Your Kid About Pool Safety

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Walk Around Water

The floor surfaces around the pool are often wet and can cause anyone to slip and fall. This is especially true for excited little ones who will dash across in efforts to reach the water(or you). The last thing you want is your child hitting his head upon slipping, and falling into the water.

Don Life Jackets

While noodles and floats make gorgeous instagram photographs, they are not sufficient to keep your child afloat. Sure, they are used to aid in swimming lessons. But, children can develop a false sense of security and struggle when separated from them.

Life jackets have been proven to make a huge difference in saving lifes. It is important to ensure that they fit right so that they don’t slip off. They help the user stay warm and turn an unconscious person to face upwards. No matter how good your kids may be at swimming, it is definitely worth the investment for their safety.

Ask for Parental Permission And Supervision

Drowning can happen ridiculously fast. All it takes is a water surface of an inch depth and 20 seconds. While lifeguards are looking out, they may not be able to reach your kid in time. And within 4-6 minutes, your child may suffer partial brain damage from the lack of oxygen.

Hence, it is super important that you know when your kids enter the water. Make sure they seek permission from you or your spouse before doing so. Also, be on high alert and put away that mobile phone.

Buddy System

Ironically, staying in touch with others in the water is essential for safety. Encourage your kids to swim together and watch each other’s backs (literally). In the event of a struggle, the other kid will be able to alert you or the lifeguard immediately.

We understand that siblings may not like to stick together, especially if they are of different levels. Consider attending Swimray’s private swimming lessons for kids and inviting your children's friends to come along. After all, it is imperative for children to learn basic skills such as the backfloat for safety.

No Tomfoolery

Or horseplay, or pranks of any sort. Period. Kids may find it funny to hold someone's head underwater for an extended period of time or splash water into each other’s faces (lead to dry drowning in rare cases but still a necessary precaution to consider).

Another good tip is to ensure that there are no moving toys or equipment near private swimming pools. This ensures that they don’t rollerblade or scoot into the water by accident.

Avoid Pool Drains

In Finding Dory, Dory was tragically separated from her parents due to strong suction from the drainage area. Now, you don’t want your kids to be separated from you because of a powerful drain right? THe drains can suck items like necklaces and hair, getting your child stuck. Swimming caps will help reduce this risk. Be sure to show your kids where the drains are and to avoid them too!

Stay Within Designated Areas

Last but not least, kids have to stay within an area where you can get to them quickly. The area also has to be within the depth they feel comfortable in. Point out markers and pool lane dividers for children to know where the limits are.

P.S. In open waters, the floats often signal a stiff drop in depth which kids need to have an awareness of.

Safety Does Not Happen By Accident

There you have it. Teaching your kids to follow these seven rules will go a long way in ensuring their safety. As a parent, you will have to play an important role in close and strict supervision. With safety rules, your kids or even toddlers will soon become proficient in swimming without risking their lives.

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Content Writer

Hi Readers! A peek into my life consists of figure skating, traveling, writing and doing many things to keep up my fitness like yoga and swimming. As a skating coach and former music & movement instructor, I hope to shed some light on how fitness and swimming in particular, can benefit and aid you. Cheers!

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Bilico Miền Nam
Posted on  23/11/2020 16:47 Great. I love this article
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