
6 Tips To Prevent Your Child From Drowning At The Pool

6 Tips To Prevent Your Child From Drowning At The Pool

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Keep your devices away

This will ALWAYS be rule #1: supervision. Undistracted supervision. While we live in times where work overlaps life and hence there might be times we NEED to attend to last minute requests, I believe missing a phone call from your boss is not as scary as leaving your child unattended in a pool. Did you know that children need supervision even in the shallow ends of swimming pools? 6 centimetres of water is enough for drowning to take place. Yes, you heard that right, SIX centimetres. Work can wait. Gained some perspective, didn’t you? So, the next time you get the urge to reach out for your phone in your pocket, remember this!

Swimming Lessons for Children

Another really great way to maximise your child’s safety and even enhance their confidence in water is through swimming lessons! Did you know that parents are encouraged to enrol their children in swimming lessons around the tender age of 1?! If the thought of your 1 year old in the water makes you uneasy, I have news that might help; if they’re very young, you’ll probably be allowed to be right next to them during their lessons! That will surely boost not only your confidence but theirs as well. Swimming lessons are important for your children to not only learn HOW to swim but to also learn the importance of proper breathing techniques which all in all, will reduce the possibility of drowning in swimming pools!

Swimming Lessons for Parents

Your children will eventually become better swimmers and venture into the deeper ends of the pool to practice their strokes and techniques. While there are trusty lifeguards at swimming pools, their eyes are watching over multiple people while yours are focused on one (or a few). Which means your reaction time would most likely be faster than theirs. So how do you guarantee their safety if you can’t swim? No matter your age, it’s never too late to pick up this important skill!

Floats and Other Swimming Aids

Of course, swimming lessons take priority over the usage of floats and other swimming aids, but these DO reduce the risk of your children drowning as your children will have something else to hold on to if they do venture deeper into the swimming pool. But parents, please do ensure their floats are in working condition and replace them if they’re not! An old and unusable swimming aid may be more dangerous than having none at all. Why? If you happen to be using a punctured float (which, FYI, most floats are made of materials that get punctured easily), it will be unable to support your children and keep them afloat! An additional point parents, it doesn’t mean your focus can drift just because your child is supported by a float. Children are bound to slip out of swimming aids such as swim rings! So, your attention is still as important.

Lifeguards and Rescue Aids

It’s important to speak to your kids to educate them about the locations of lifeguards and rescue aids! That way, if anything does go wrong, both you and your kid will be aware of where help can be found. Who knows, your kids might even save another child’s life with this simple knowledge!

Life-saving Techniques

As parents, it IS your duty to be the first line of defence for your children. Investing time and money in taking up a basic CPR and First Aid course may sound taxing when you’ve a full schedule, but it’ll be so worth it in the long run (and might also reduce the number of drowning-related nightmares you might get). It’s a win-win! Also, do remember that you would need to get recertified every 2 years.


While it might be tempting to find avenues to tire out your kids such as water parks, it is important to ensure you’re prepared to face the risk of adversities. There’s no rush in getting your child exposed to the pool, so if you feel they aren’t ready yet, maybe reading them an inspirational swimming story might just be the perfect swimming-related activity for now.

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Ashwini Malathi

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Hello everyone! I'm a gym enthusiast who gets very excited at the sight of dogs. Drinking teh tarik is my form of relaxation. I hope you share my passion for anything fitness-related through my writing!

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