
Are Swimming Caps a Necessity while Swimming?

Are Swimming Caps a Necessity while Swimming?

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Latex, Silicone, Lycra… Which is the Best of them All?

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With so many designs and materials out there, just exactly which is the right one for you? Well, there are many factors to consider, but the main thing to take note of would be their material. For starters, latex caps have been around the longest (since the 1920s!), and are extremely durable. Latex caps have a rubbery feel to them, and almost always come in a uniformed colour. But take note that they can be really, really tight and some people might even be allergic to latex.

On the other hand, silicone caps are also extremely popular, though they are slightly pricier than their latex counterparts. Lycra caps are also a viable option. They are of similar material to your swimsuits and are highly comfortable, but they do slip often. Another common material is neoprene, cut from the same cloth as surfing and diving wetsuits. Get them to retain heat if you swim in the open water.

Hairy Troubles

Caps being caps… they keep hair away from your face. The primary reason why so many swimmers choose to wear swim caps is really to give them an unobstructed view and smoother swim experience. Especially for those with longer locks, you won’t want to be stopped every couple of strokes by your fringe slapping on your face. It can be extra frustrating for beginner swimmers who are already struggling to master the strokes to worry about getting hair out of their face.

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Besides, frequent trips to the pool will inevitably damage your hair. The chlorine in pools are unrelenting, and that thin layer of protection that your swim cap provides will go a long way in minimising the damage done to your hair. Pro tip: rinse your hair before putting on your swimming cap and jumping in. Hair can only absorb so much water, so by soaking your hair with clean water and covering your head with a swim cap, you’ll reduce the volume of chlorinated water in contact with your hair.

Need for Speed

At this point, we have to remember that drag is a thing in the water. Ever wonder why professional swimmers are so clean shaven? You guessed it— hair causes increased drag, and even more so for the head since it is the first part of your body to power through the water. Decreasing race times by even a fraction of a second can mean the difference between a podium finish or not. And even if you’re swimming for leisure, surely you’ll welcome the extra speed as you glide through the water.    

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But hold up here; if you’re training for a meet, you might want to consider ditching your swim cap during practice. Getting used to the drag you naturally produce will make you work harder in training, so you’ll feel faster and more confident at the actual meet. Of course, ensure your hair does not get in the way of your sight and comfort while you swim cap-less.

Annoyance & Misfits

As unique individuals, there aren’t many custom-made caps in the market. That’s where swim caps may get a little annoying if they are not the right fit. An ill-fitting cap may interfere with your visibility and comfort. A loose cap won’t stay in place, while a cap that’s too tight may cause tension on your head and even give you a headache.

Do be mindful of wear and tear as the years go by. A seasoned swimmer may have to replace their caps quite often if the material splits or looses its elasticity. Chlorine might also have an effect on caps, especially those made of latex, causing the material to get viscous and sticky.


So, are swim caps a necessity in the pool? Well, not strictly, but almost all swim coaches and experienced swimmers would recommend you wear one. Not only does it protect your hair and ensure clog-free pool drains, you’ll be able to swim a tad faster and be safer in the pool or ocean. And if you are looking to get serious about swimming, you’ll need to get used to having one on your head for meets.

With so many types of swim caps to choose from, it can be an overwhelming task to decide which kind of cap to get. Sign up for our Condo Swimming Lessons and let our swim coaches aid you in suiting up for swimming success!

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Content Writer

I’m Isabel, your friendly uni student who’s always waddling knee deep in readings and projects. But I’ll go through hell and high water to have regular suppers with my friends. You can find me with a film camera in one hand and a flat white in the other on the weekends. Also am able to rescue you if you ever capsize from a sea kayak.

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