
8 Things to Consider Before Getting a Pool

8 Things to Consider Before Getting a Pool

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Here are some factors to think about before you decide on a pool! 

1) Do you have a garden and do you have space in the garden for a pool? 

2) Is it going to be big enough to actually swim in or will it be a plunge pool?

3) Will the pool be near trees? You’ll need to spend loads of time scooping leaves      if so! Tree roots can also cause issues in the future.

4) Does the allocated space for the pool guarantee privacy from those outside? 

5) Are there underground utilities running beneath? Having wires, pipes and cabling running close can definitely cause foreseeable issues in the future.


Is this your “forever home”? Or are you just renting the space out? If your situation is the latter, you should note that this comes with way less options and space to be creative as these pools will be built only to be taken out once you leave. For those of you with elaborate ideas such as having a slide into your pool or a cool-looking fountain, this consideration might end those dreams. So, yes, it’s extremely important to think long term when you choose to invest in such a high-maintenance and immobile facility in your home.


This is another huge one. While you may be able to comfortably afford the cost of building a pool in your home or backyard, have you considered if you have the means to do regular and very much needed maintenance work? Especially if you’ll be using the pool a lot (which, by the look at how you’re reading this article, the odds are probably high), your pool might have to undergo frequent maintenance to ensure that not only the pool but the surrounding area is A-OK! Besides the more technical maintenance works that can be done by pool installation companies, have you thought about the constant need to clear off debris and filter baskets? Well, if you haven’t, it might be time to sit down with the family and plan out a schedule!


Image credits: Wikipedia 

For families with toddlers and babies, this consideration should naturally be at the top of the list before you start creating your mood board for your pool. Will a fence be needed? Or some sort of barricade which deters them from crawling their way into the pool? What about a First Aid box? Does anyone in the family know CPR? While I’m sure the basics such as fences could be easily sorted, the intricate details such as choosing surrounding tiles that are less slippery or having one adult on “duty” every time the pool is in use could make a huge difference in the safety department!


Image credits: HomeCrux 

Here comes everyone's favourite part of owning a private pool; the ability to have a say in its design! Of course, a bigger space has a bigger area to play around and be creative with while a smaller and more compact space might take some options away from you. Lucky for you, thanks to technology, there are pools with floors that can be elevated! This means that you will not need to choose between an outdoor play area and a pool as you can have both (just not at the same time).


If you have little ones running around, you will want to consider a shallow baby pool instead of a deep lap pool. Or you might want to consider a pool with varying depths if needed! That way, everyone in the family can pick their favourite corner to practice flutter kicking, play some family games or simply enjoy some hydrotherapy!


Image credits:  Earthturfwood 

Image Credit : Pinterst

If there’s anything we learnt in this article which talks about pool design, it’s that the lighting surrounding your pool can make or break the ambiance! Here are some examples to show how.


This is the biggest consideration of them all, isn’t it? It also affects all the above considerations and how well you can meet them! It’s been told to get quotations from at least 3 suppliers before you decide, so this means loads of time spent in discussion. Custom built concrete pools are definitely more expensive so if you want more affordable options, fiberglass and vinyl pools are great alternatives as well! While you engage in intense discussions with your supplier and designer, remember to take maintenance costs into account as well.


If you’re able to meet these considerations halfway, it looks like you might be ready for your own pool. Told you there are loads of considerations, didn’t I? Well, these 8 are just some of the many. It makes sense why people who have private pools spend so much time in there after this much thought and hard work! Be it public pools or private pools, one thing doesn’t change; the need to apply sunscreen lotion before you get in!

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Ashwini Malathi

Content Writer

Hello everyone! I'm a gym enthusiast who gets very excited at the sight of dogs. Drinking teh tarik is my form of relaxation. I hope you share my passion for anything fitness-related through my writing!

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