
8 Pool Aerobic Exercises For A Full Body Workout

8 Pool Aerobic Exercises For A Full Body Workout

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Ever walked past a swimming pool and noticed an instructor leading a group of people “dancing” in the water with the music amped up all the way? Yeap, that’s a pool aerobic workout session! Pool aerobics is carried out in a pool (wow, really?), at waist-deep water levels.

Let’s talk about WHY pool aerobics are beneficial for you. First of all, the resistance in water is heavier than on land. Proof? Try walking in the pool. How much harder is it? (hint: A LOT.) With higher resistance comes the ability to better engage your muscles AND burn an insane number of calories in half the time. Afterall, there is a reason why spending time in a swimming pool leaves you famished! Secondly, thanks to water’s buoyancy, your joints get to reap the benefits of the lower impact water provides. Here are 8 pool aerobic exercises you can put together for a full body workout. Oh, before that, remember to engage in a solid 5 - 10 minutes of warming up!

Pool-Edge Tricep Dips

This one works your entire upper body which includes your triceps, chest, shoulder and core muscles.

(a) Start by back facing the pool wall.

(b) With your hands by your sides, place your palm on the edge of the pool.

(c) Using the strength of your arms, push your body out of the water. Remember to face forwards and keep your core engaged throughout!

(d) When you are at the top of the movement, remember to straighten your arms.

(e) That’s one rep. Return to the starting position by bending your elbows and lowering yourself back into the pool.

(f) Repeat 10 - 15 repetitions (reps).

Butt Kicks

If you’ve ever tried these on land, you KNOW what you’re up against. After this exercise, you’ll wish it’s the end of the whole workout.

Stand right beside the edge of the pool, with your feet together and one hand holding onto the edge.

(a) Keep your knees soft and engage in the butt kicks. Your heel should hit your glute each time.

(b) Repeat 10 reps on each leg.

Squat Jumps

Ever tried jumping underwater? Let’s take it up a notch!

(a) With your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, squat down such that your shoulders are submerged.

(b) You may keep your arms out in front or to the sides of you for balance.

(c) Once you’re as low as you can possibly go, jump right up and bring your legs together.

(d) Land the same position you started.

(e) Repeat 15 - 20 reps.

Water Taxi

You’ll need a kickboard for this one! Beware, your entire upper body might ache the next day. Who am I kidding, aches are confirmed!

(a) In the pool, bring your kickboard underwater and sit on it as if it’s a chair.

(b) Put your arms out in front of you with your palms facing outwards and sweep it out. (Pretty much like doing a breaststroke!)

(c) You’ll find yourself moving forwards. Continue for 45 seconds (or until you run out of space).

Flutter kicks (but make it tougher!)

Don’t get rid of your kickboard just yet. If you think the flutter kick is hard, you’ll be amazed at how tough this one is. It’s called the “tombstone kick” by some and there is more than 1 reason for it!

(a) Hold your kickboard in front of you, but don’t place it on the water flat as you usually would. In this case, hold it like the image above.

(b) Now, kick as hard as you can till you reach the other end of the pool, for a minimum of 1 minute!

This exercise is simple as it sounds. But some things are easier said than done and this is one of em’!

(a) In waist or chest-high water, run forward 20 steps and then backwards.

(b) Continue for 30 seconds!

Water Push-Ups

The push-ups may be one of the greatest exercises to build upper body strength be it on land or in the pool. The water variation, however, is a little different than the land one and is pretty much the opposite of the tricep dips.

(a) Standing at the side of the pool facing out, place your hands on the edge of the pool shoulder-width apart.

(b) Bend your arms at your elbow till you're as high up as you can get.

(c) Descend to your starting position.

(d) Repeat 10 - 15 times.

Leg Lifts

You can bet your core will be feeling this the next day!

(a) Sit on the edge of the pool with your legs extended downwards. The water should reach the middle of your thighs.

(b) Leaning back slightly, lift your legs out of water while keeping them straight and your toes pointed out. At the top of your motion, your body should form a “V” as seen in the picture above.

(c) Lower your legs and repeat 15 - 20 reps.


1 set comprises all the exercises above. For a full workout, do 3 sets of these! It’s sure to leave you panting. End it off with a cool down which includes breathing exercises and some simple stretches before you leave the pool, ready to gobble down a 4-course meal. What are you waiting for? Put your favourite swimming costume on for additional motivation and head down to the nearest pool. Have fun!

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Ashwini Malathi

Content Writer

Hello everyone! I'm a gym enthusiast who gets very excited at the sight of dogs. Drinking teh tarik is my form of relaxation. I hope you share my passion for anything fitness-related through my writing!

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