
6 Health Benefits of Aqua Aerobics

6 Health Benefits of Aqua Aerobics

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#1 Works all Muscle Groups

“But I can do that at any exercise corner or gym facility!” Yes, sure you can. But what about working OPPOSING muscle groups at the SAME time? You heard that right! Water resistance applies in both directions, so when you move one way, you get double the reward for your effort. Have you ever tried walking in the pool? How hard is that compared to walking on land? THAT is exactly why it’s worth giving aqua aerobics a go!

Want to get in a quick workout? Try this set!

  1. Walk in Water
    This can be a great warmup and also get your muscles working harder with increased speed. Remember to keep your core engaged and to maintain good posture! Walk at least 25 meters.
  2. Lateral Arm Lifts
    In shoulder-deep water, hold foam dumbbells by your sides (thighs). Then, lift your arms up laterally until they’re at your shoulder height (you should be forming a “T” shape!) Control the lowering portion and return to where you started off. That’s 1 rep. Repeat 7 - 15 times.
  3. Jumping Jacks
    This one’s sure to get you worked up! It’s exactly the same as done on land, just in water chest-level high. Repeat 10 - 15 times.
  4. Leg Kicks
    At the edge of the pool, hold onto the pool ledge while you flutter kick and frog kick for 60 - 120 seconds each. Kick hard and with intent!
  5. Tricep Dips
    Stay at the pool edge for this exercise. With your back against the pool wall, hold onto the ledge with your hands (palms on the top). Do 7 - 15 tricep dips!

That’s one full set. If it wiped you out, feel free to end your workout session after a good warm down! If you still have fuel left in your tank, repeat for 1 or 2 more sets. At the end of it, you’ll see why we’re raving about aqua aerobics in this article.

#2 Gentle on Joints

Especially if you’re a tad bit older or if you’ve any mobility issues, aqua aerobics is the exercise for you! Because water has an effect of making you feel lighter due to its buoyancy, less pressure and impact is put on your joints even if you’re doing jumping jacks in water. For those of you who hold a bit more weight than the “healthy range” specifies, this point saves you plenty of potential joint issues such as knee pain. It might be worth starting off in the pool before you move back onto land for cardio!

#3 Builds Strength

Adding onto point #1 above, you CAN gain some serious strength in the pool! The gym is not the only place you can do so. At the root of it, strength training IS resistance training and what does water provide us? RESISTANCE! Bingo! As long as you’re moving with intent and focusing on maintaining good mind-muscle connection, you will be making some “gains”.

#4 Increases Flexibility

We all know we grow stiffer as we age, especially if we’re not mindfully moving our bodies. In times like this, where we’re all working from home and sitting (slouched) at our desks, we’re more susceptible to the pains of aging. So, if you want to increase flexibility and age gracefully (and avoid some serious back pain in the process), you now know what to do!

#5 Relieves Stress and Anxiety

I’m glad we live in times where mental health is seen to be a very crucial part of our overall health! Not only does water aerobics release endorphins, which is a natural painkiller and leads to smiles, but it also improves long term mental health if one engages in aqua aerobics consistently. Ah, the joys of hydrotherapy.

#6 Reduces Blood Pressure

Water has another special power besides buoyancy, which is its pressure! Water’s pressure helps improve our blood circulation throughout our entire body. This in turn lowers blood pressure, and if done continuously for a longer period of time, also decreases our resting heart rate! All great things for long term health and fitness!


Seeing all these benefits that aqua aerobics can bring us, I hope it’s convinced you to give it a try! You’ll never know until you try, right? Afterall, greatness lies outside of our comfort zones. Besides water aerobics, swimming laps is also great and provides you with most of these health benefits as well! So why not pick up swimming as a family?

Join us at Condo Swimming lesson and reap these health benefits for you and your family

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Ashwini Malathi

Content Writer

Hello everyone! I'm a gym enthusiast who gets very excited at the sight of dogs. Drinking teh tarik is my form of relaxation. I hope you share my passion for anything fitness-related through my writing!

1 Comment
Aleksandra Włodarczyk
Posted on  25/03/2022 18:51 Very good review. I'm an Aqua Zumba Instructor from Poland and the most important advantage of Aqua Aerobics, Aqua Zumba and othe Aqua Fitness workouts is the good mood and the fun factor. The best workout is a pool party.
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