
5 Easy Steps to Learn the Dolphin Kick

5 Easy Steps to Learn the Dolphin Kick

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#1: Core Strength

Your core strength largely comes into play when you do the dolphin kick. This is why it’s so important to include core conditioning work during your training session! First of all, let’s talk about WHERE your core is. Contrary to popular belief (which is false news in this case), your core is not just your abs. The core consists of your entire midsection which includes the front, back and sides! Here are some exercises to get your core ready to execute the dolphin kick:

a. Spelling Letters 

Image Credit : AbcNews

Starting from a “hollow rock” position (back touching the ground, head and legs lifted up slightly and your hands either by your sides or lifted behind you like in the picture), use your feet to spell out the entire alphabet! Do it in a slow and controlled manner to maximise the benefits you get out of this exercise.


Image Credit : CoachMag

Lying on your stomach, begin with your hands straight out in front of you and legs straight behind you, rested on the ground. Then, bring both your arms and your legs off the ground. If you feel your back working, great!

#2: Practice Body Rolling

Sure, this may look silly, but it’s extremely important to know what you’re doing with your body on land before you dive into the water and struggle! Since you don’t have to do this at the pool, you may practice it in the comfort of your home at your own time. All you have to do is mimic a wave, let it pass through your entire body from head to toe.

#3: Vertical Kicking

This is another great way to build up to dolphin kicking like a pro. When you practice vertical kicking, you really work your entire core, learn to nail your upkick and get the hang of a good kicking motion which are all necessary when you eventually start dolphin kicking! “But how long do I do this for?” You may wish to do it for 30 seconds at a go, rest for 30 and begin again. A total of 10 sets would be fantastic. Once this starts feeling easy, you can increase the challenge factor by taking your hands out of the water or even getting into a vertical streamline position (extremely challenging!!!)

#4: Practice Undulation Technique

Now that you would have roughly got the hang of the undulating technique, it’s time to put it all together in water. Begin by lying on the water with your back facing upwards (front float position) and ensure that your body is in a streamline position. Next, keep your hands together out in front of you and your feet and legs together behind you. Push your chest down and release it followed by your hips down and release it. Your chest and hips should be alternatingly getting pressed down! Keep practicing this movement until you feel more comfortable and until it starts flowing together as an entire wave-like motion. 

Just some pointers, allow your knees to be slightly bent. Also, your legs should be a part of this wave and continue the “wave” from your hips to your toes.

#5: Add in the Kick

When the “wave” travels through your body and eventually reaches your feet, it’s time to kick. It is extremely important to kick in front of you as well! What this means is shown in the picture above. This basically means that your kick should end with your feet out in front of your body and not on the same plane! Why? You’ll then be able to garner the strength from your quads to get a strong kick in. With these 5 steps, you’ll now be able to do the dolphin kick!


Now that you’re equipped with these 5 simple steps, what are you waiting for? Head on over to your nearest pool, be it a public pool or your own private condominium pool and try it out for yourself! A little bit of advice, you might want to get someone to film you as you attempt the dolphin kick so as to be able to check on your form. Or if you require a tad bit more help, feel free to hit us up with an inquiry and we’ll be glad to assist you!

If you find yourself needing more help, seeking help from a professional coach is definitely not a bad option as well! Talk to our team and sign up for our Condo Swimming Lessons.

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Ashwini Malathi

Content Writer

Hello everyone! I'm a gym enthusiast who gets very excited at the sight of dogs. Drinking teh tarik is my form of relaxation. I hope you share my passion for anything fitness-related through my writing!

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