COVID19 Update

Covid-19: Is it safe to swim in beaches or public swimming pools?

While the government has encouraged all of us to stay at home as much as we can, we understand that sometimes, we all need a little escape from the mundane or the stress. When a single location becomes one where we sleep, eat, work and play, it can definitely cause an elevation of stress levels. Why? Well, before the pandemic, the office was a place of work while home was a place of comfort. We also had plenty of avenues to turn to, to relieve stress levels. However, for many of us, the two (place of work and relaxation) have unfortunately been combined which leads to the lack of a safe space to actually relax and unwind or to simply escape reality.

On top of that, many of our “safe spaces” have (understandably) been restricted from the public’s access. These safe spaces include the gym, cafes and places of prayer to name a few. Because of that, we’ve all been learning to adapt and to find new safe spaces. If yours happens to be the pool or the beach or if you’ve developed a liking to the open air that the beaches provide, good news for you, it’s still completely accessible in most areas in Singapore!

This would definitely bring up the question of safety. Why are public swimming pools and beaches allowed to be visited by the public? The simple answer is that it is safe enough and the risk of transmission in these places are deemed low. Let us dive deeper into why so!

Covid-19 Cannot Spread Through Water

First thing’s first, up till today, there is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, can spread through water. That is great news for all your water-loving people out there!

Safest Option: Swimming in the Ocean

If you can choose between the public swimming pool and the beach, opt for the latter. Swimming in the ocean is definitely less risky than a public swimming pool as the movement of water and dilution is way higher.

Outdoor Pools Safer than Indoor Pools

If this means travelling an extra 15 minutes, it’s definitely worth the decreased risk no matter how little. Outdoor pools are deemed safer as there’s a healthy amount of air flow! It’s the same reason why the Government immediately shut down indoor gyms when the number of community cases started increasing a few weeks back; confined spaces are riskier. which may worsen over time.

Swimming Pools: Regular Cleansing Regime

To further put you at ease, all public swimming pools are required to be tested for their pH levels, disinfectant levels AND go through a regular cleaning regime DAILY. Yes, DAILY! This is to ensure that the water quality complies with the Environmental Public Health (Swimming Pool) Regulations at ALL TIMES.

Choose the Right Time

Yes, that means holding off going at your favourite time of the day. Your favourite time of the day to swim would highly likely be a lot of others’ as well. A quieter, less busy time is safer and you can get to practice your flips or strokes in peace! Afterall, a peace of mind leads to higher focus level and hence better breathing techniques and freestyle form, doesn’t it?

Abide by The Measures

While it is safe, here are some measures we should take into action when at beaches or public swimming pools, to ensure that Covid-19 is kept at bay!

Avoid Crowds

With more people comes the increased chances of enabling the spread of Covid-19. Hence, it is extremely important to avoid crowds at all costs. A distance of at least 1 metre should be maintained between you and the next person.

Uphold Hygiene

It is also highly advisable to maintain your hygiene at all times. This means washing your hands whenever possible, especially after or if you’ve had contact with public surfaces.

You should also always wash your hands before eating or touching your face.

Should you need to sneeze, do remember to use a tissue or bent elbow.

You’re also advised to shower before entering the pool and are not permitted to spit in pools as well.

Feeling Unwell

Most importantly, even if you’re slightly unwell, you should definitely skip a visit to the swimming pool or beach. Getting a Covid-19 test is the responsible choice here.


While many of these pointers would have put you water-lovers at peace, it is important to always be up to date with the latest news about Covid-19 as it is rapidly evolving. For the time being, fully enjoy the safe space the pools and beaches provide! Of course, without forgetting the measures you should be abiding by. If all of us do our part in minimizing the risk of spreading Covid-19, the dreams of normality might become a reality. You might even find yourself taking in the beauty of the beaches in another continent soon enough! Till then, stay safe and stay strong!

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