
What Swimming Stroke Should I Learn First

What Swimming Stroke Should I Learn First

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Well, the answer to the question is the “froggy” stroke, commonly known as breaststroke. It is very famously known for its sweeping-like motion which the majority of beginner learners find easier to pick up and learn quickly, unlike all the different types of strokes that require a lot of understanding and are more difficult to learn. This stroke is a much more technical stroke in comparison to other techniques as when one is studying the breaststroke, first timers must take note of how their arms and legs have to move together in the same motion. Upon kicking and sweeping their arms, swimmers must straighten their body with their head tucked underneath their straightened arms and glide through the surface before repeating the action again. But why learn this technique and not any other techniques such as freestyle, buffterfly or backstroke? This is due to 

the many benefits that come with studying the breaststroke first. It assists the learner in getting additionally comfortable in the pool, can be made use of in an exercise routine that is beneficial for the human physic.

Firstly, the breaststroke allows starters to move in the water with their head over the pool, which makes it much easier for them to breathe as and when they like. This will then lead beginners to feel safer in the water. Some beginners may also start to panic and experience anxiety attacks when they first swim with their head in the water. Having the freedom to swim with their head in or out of the water can make a big difference in terms of how comfortable the learner is in water, and it also helps when starters are transitioning to going in the water with their whole body under. 

Secondly, the breaststroke can be used for activities. For those who have the intention to swim to lose weight, using the breaststroke for thirty minutes leads to burning around two hundred calories, and it is the same as a thirty minute full body workout. This is because, when we are swimming with the use of the breaststroke, we use an array of muscle categories such as your torso, back arms and hamstrings, resulting in a better exercise.

Thirdly, breaststroke is a better beneficial cardiovascular exercise compared to the other types of techniques. In the process of training or learning the technique, it helps to increase the power of both the heart and lungs of the swimmer as it is an aerobic activity, and at the same time, training the other muscle categories of the body, improving muscle flexibility and strength. That shows how greatly advantageous the technique is upon studying it when you start swimming. 

With all that said, some people may argue that freestyle should be the starting technique you learn as it is better than all of the other strokes, with regards to speed. Which is true, freestyle holds the record as the fastest stroke with the least time taken to complete any event in swimming. 

However, although speed is an essential aspect of swimming when one has learnt the basics or when it comes to tournaments such as the olympics and more, it is still highly recommended that starters learn the basics first, before moving to speed. Some examples of these include, being able to control your breathing and maintaining a cool composure when swimming. These are the fundamental skills that all swimmers should learn before a higher level of swimming.


All in all, it is highly recommended for starters to learn breaststroke first, due to its benefits and complexity. So what are you waiting for? Go down to our Condo Swimming Lessons and try learning the breaststroke today!

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Hello! I’m Nicole, and I’m currently still studying and pursuing my interests! During my spare time, I enjoy doing diy projects as well as watching netflix!

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