
How to Swim to Lose the Most Weight

How to Swim to Lose the Most Weight

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Swimming is definitely one of the best exercises to shed extra pounds! However, the amount of calories you burn during a swim would be dependent on the intensity and duration of your workout.

Here are 5 ways that are recommended to lose the most weight from swimming!

Correct Techniques

Yes, technique does matter for you to swim well enough to burn the calories! The first step to maximise your workout is to ensure that you have the proper swimming techniques and posture. It is important to swim with the correct techniques in order to engage every muscle group in your body and to achieve the full body workout. Check your breathing technique and ensure you don't get breathless while swimming so that you can get into the correct rhythm and not give up halfway.

If you find yourself struggling with swimming for long distances, you can consider going for swim stroke correction lessons. Such lessons would focus on teaching you how to correct your own stroke and breathing in order to build up your endurance and speed in the long run.

Different Strokes

Do you know that the way you swim will affect the amount of calories you burn? If you were to swim using the same speed and technique each time, it is likely for your body to reach a plateau. Definitely, doing butterfly strokes help to burn the most amount of calories – A 70kg person burns 409 calories doing butterfly for 30 minutes as compared to 298 calories from backstroke and 372 calories from breaststroke. Freestyle is also an efficient calories burner as seen here!

However, what if you don't know how to swim butterfly stroke? You may switch between strokes after each lap – breaststroke and freestyle (front crawl) or any strokes you can swim to utilise the different muscle groups. This is an excellent way to maximise your results!

Interval Training

I believe many of you have heard of interval training, or high-intensity interval training. It has proven to be effective in burning more calories while you spend less time exercising by pushing your heart rate to race. HIIT pumps the blood faster and gets your adrenaline moving.

The same theory applies for swimming, mainly inspired from Tabata workout. The main goal is to go full blast for 30 seconds with 15 to 30 seconds slow swim in between reps before sprinting again. Repeat for 8 rounds.

For alternate interval training, you can swim as fast as you can for a lap, followed by a lap at a relaxed pace. Repeat this for 8 rounds.

Your targeted heart rate should be approximately at 70 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate.

Maximum Heart Rate = 220 – (Your age)

However, beware of overexerting yourself too much. If you are a beginner for such training, you can start from the lower end of your targeted heart rate zone first. You may then gradually build up the intensity when it gets easier for you!

Duration and Frequency

If you are a beginner for swimming, you may start with one to three swims a week for 15 to 20 minutes each time, and then build up on the swimming intensity gradually by adding in 5 minutes every week. Alternatively, you may swim a lap and take a break, then repeat this pattern throughout your workout. Swim for a longer duration and increase the frequency, ideally four to five days a week ultimately! 

If you are a regular swimmer but prefer the less intense approach, you can swim at a moderate pace for 30 minutes to burn around 250 calories. The goal is to keep going and make swimming part of your regular routine in order to lose the most weight!

Aquatic Fitness

Does routine lap swimming make you feel bored? Why not consider participating in an aquatic fitness class! Aquatic fitness makes use of the water resistance to improve your cardio fitness and muscle tone. Most importantly, such programs take into account your personal preferred intensity, workload and equipment. If you are looking for the intensity to lose the most weight, these workouts definitely push your heart rate while bringing you lots of fun!


Remember, weight loss doesn't come easy for anyone. Consistency is key! To lose the most weight, you need to have the perseverance to be physically active and to keep swimming!

Swim With Us

Ray Kua

Content Writer

Hey there! My name is Ray and I am one of the co-owners of Swimray Private Swimming Lessons Singapore. My articles draw from my experiences during my time in the Naval Diving Unit in Singapore, and my experiences as a private swimming coach. I am also an avid traveler who is the author of Crazy Curious Traveller. Hope you enjoy my articles!

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