
Does Practice Makes Perfect in Swimming

Does Practice Makes Perfect in Swimming

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We should always consider the progress when it comes to learning skills. One will not successfully peddle with perfection down the sidewalk on a bike for the very first time, won’t they? Therefore, it is important to understand that skills take some time to build and cultivate the foundation first. Furthermore, it is important to understand that mastey requires time, effort, and constant practice. Therefore, swimming practices are explicitly important if you intend to improve and perfect your swimming skills. It is said that the foundational element in swimming practices is the stroke thought, which are often referred to as focal points. Therefore, one should set a specific stroke thought before beginning each lap. This laser-targets on one aspect of the technique that you wish to master. 

Swimming is no easy feat to master and it requires much repetition to perfect your techniques. This is why swimming drills are preferred over swimming laps. Swimming drills help to perfect little skills such as body position, kicking action, arm movements, and side breathing. When these skills are perfected one by one, the technique would become flawless when they are all put together. Moreover, there are a plethora of drills that target different components for swimming. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge and know your weak areas to target them with swimming drills. Swimming drills work as it requires a certain amount of time to build neurological pathways to the brain in order to form muscle memory.

It is crucial that you set aside time for a routine if you have the desire to work on your technique to perfect your swimming skills. This is to ensure that your results will be consistent in the most efficient way. If you are not an expert, engaging in a coach would be beneficial for you. In addition, having visual or tactile feedback is an important leverage to improve your swimming form. This is due to the fact that you will not be able to view your own techniques when you are in the water, therefore making it hard for you to realize which part requires more attention and focus. When there is visual feedback, it allows you to pinpoint the areas that you should focus on and thus, drive up the speed of improvement.

You can be the most diligent person when it comes to practicing, but if you are just perfecting imperfect technique, it would only yield minimal results and not lead to perfection. Furthermore, unlearning bad behaviour is extra difficult as opposed to learning the right technique from the beginning. When the right mindset is cultivated, one can develop their skills to the fullest potential and the possibilities are endless. Swimming is a skill that looks simple, but is made up of many little skills that require perfection first, in order to improve leaps and bounds and perfect the whole technique itself.


One may be dejected due to the lack of major improvement after countless practices and time spent in the pool. Furthermore, you one may hit a plateau during your learning cycle and feel as though you are back to square one. However, the main goal is always to be a better swimmer than you were before at the end of a practice. This is why practicing swimming drills is important as it helps you to tackle areas which you require improvements in. Furthermore, it is absolutely critical that you do not beat yourself up if you do not see progress immediately or after some time. Different people progress differently and as long as you master the techniques one day, it does not matter how long it takes. I hope you attained a few takeaways from this article and keep pursuing your goal no matter how tough it is. Come! Join our Condo Swimming Lessons to practice your swimming skills and make more perfect in swimming. 

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Hi! My name is Rachel and I’m currently a university student studying Marketing. I’ve always been passionate about writing ever since I embarked on the journey to write for my school’s newsletter 2 years ago. Writing brings me joy and I hope that my articles give you new insights and enjoyment after reading them:)

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