
8 Animals You Can Swim With In The Water

8 Animals You Can Swim With In The Water

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Swimming with dogs has to be the most accessible of the lot, as you can easily head down to a local dog pool with your furry friend. Dogs reap similar benefits that humans do from swimming, such as relieving stress and losing weight. Most dog pools in Singapore have a small entrance fee or highly recommend advanced booking. Do exercise responsibility in making sure your dog is adequately trained and groomed before using a shared pool.


Bringing your children to interact with dolphins in the water can greatly increase their water confidence with an element of fun involved. The intelligence of dolphins in the water makes them a joy to get along, and they almost never shy away from humans. To add, special needs children benefit from swimming with dolphins as a form of therapy to help them cope and provide comfort.


There are many kinds of seals, such as sea lions and walruses, who are all playful and adept at moving on land and sea. Some overseas destinations to swim with wild seals include New Zealand, Mexico and South Africa. But be prepared— heading out to the open waters to encounter marine life may be quite a hit and miss experience. They are after all wild animals and not your playmates, so no one can ‘make’ them appear!

Manta Rays

These creatures are huge, and when I say huge, no words are minced because manta rays can grow up to 8 metres in wingspan. Yet, manta rays are harmless and can be rather shy, preferring not to be too disturbed. It is important to mind your distance if you encounter one. Most people who opt to swim with manta rays are usually qualified scuba divers, although snorkeling can be an option too.


No, not those Bishan and Marina otters! Wild otters can exhibit violent behaviour, hence swimming in an controlled environment would be the way to go. Most attractions who offer otter swims do so in an enclosed and safe environment. Do find an ethical enclosure that allows their otters freedom of movement and limited human interaction time.

Sea Turtles

As a species rather close to extinction, humans have a responsibility to promote moral behaviour that will protect sea turtles. This does not mean that we have to avoid swimming with them altogether. As long as humans are quiet and refrain from touching and feeding them, getting up close with sea turtles can be quite a majestic experience.


Penguins are amusing in all the cute ways— they waddle clumsily on land but are graceful gliders in the water. Humans can swim with penguins in certains zoos around the world, but in Antarctica, tourists get the opportunity to do so in the wild, and in the freezing cold no less. In other areas like Cape Town, penguins roam among beach goers and swim amongst them in the water.


This one is not for the faint-hearted, and many adrenaline junkies have this on their bucket list. Choose between free-roaming and caged dives, and prepare to be awestruck by great whites in their natural habitat, or whatever species that grace the waters. Being in the open ocean is the only option, as sharks cannot survive in captivity. The whole experience is actually rather safe, as contrary to popular belief, they aren’t interested in eating humans.

Swimming with animals can provide a whole new dimension to your swim routine, bringing more benefits to your emotional and mental health. Additionally, you learn so much more about the marine world and gain newfound appreciation of the natural ecosystem we are all part of. There may be ethical controversies surrounding human interaction with marine animals, so make sure you do your due research and pick a vendor that you can trust. If you are game for animal encounters in the water but do not yet know how to swim, why not kick start your swim journey with us?

Swim With Us


Content Writer

I’m Isabel, your friendly uni student who’s always waddling knee deep in readings and projects. But I’ll go through hell and high water to have regular suppers with my friends. You can find me with a film camera in one hand and a flat white in the other on the weekends. Also am able to rescue you if you ever capsize from a sea kayak.

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