
​​6 Mind Blowing Pool Magic Tricks

​​6 Mind Blowing Pool Magic Tricks

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Free Diving

Image credits:  Freeimages

What could be cooler than a grand entrance with a splash? 

Doing an impressive dive can easily earn a “WOW” from the crowd. Ensure that you are diving into an area clear of people and that the pool is deep enough for diving. To begin, ensure that you have a steady posture with your back foot aligned to your hips. Once you are comfortable and balanced, bend down and place both your hands at the side of your feet respectively before pushing yourself forward off the board. Remember to look forward and look to where you want to dive in, keeping your arms above your head whilst tucking your chin in. You can already hear the cheers from underwater!

Bubble Rings

Image Credit : GoSwim

Blowing a perfect bubble ring is definitely an amazing trick that many swimmers and divers have up their sleeve. In order for this trick to work, the body of water you are attempting the trick in has to be completely still. Even a slight movement can burst the bubble immediately. To do it, you have to hold your breath and ensure the air comes out through only your mouth (pinch your nose if you have to). When the water is still, build up a breath of air in your mouth then release that breath of air in a single puff as fast as possible. If done right, you have mastered the spectacular bubble ring trick!

Underwater Somersault

Image Credit : wikiHow 

The Underwater Somersault is one of the first tricks that swimmers pick up once comfortable with being in the water. This trick requires you to be in a pool that is spacious, clear of walls or any other swimmers, when attempting it. Take a deep breath and tuck your chin to your chest. While tucking in your chest, make sure you bend your body at the waist and push yourself forward. Swing your upper body forward with your arms to create enough momentum to make a full turn and voilà! A tip is to practice with a pool noodle, once you have got the hang of it, you could even do multiple somersaults in a row.

Underwater Handstand

Image Credited : Traveling Handstands 

After conquering somersaults, the next magnificent trick would be underwater handstands. A good tip would be to perform it in a pool that is deeper in height than you. Propel your body by pushing your chest downwards, place your hands on the pool floor, and then keep your body upright with your feet sticking out of the water.

Flip Turn

Image Credit : Freeimages

The flip turn is one of the coolest tricks often seen at the Olympics when swimmers are approaching the pool wall. These flip turns make changing direction more fluid and are especially helpful in competitions of speed. When you’re near the wall of the pool, do a somersault by bringing your chin to your chest. Curl your body by bending your legs while keeping your arms straight on your sides. Finally, extend your arms above your head and push off from the wall. Having a strong core strength and a proper body-line can prevent back injuries from occurring. In addition, make sure you push off at an angle that parallels the pool, otherwise, this turn trick could end up slowing you down instead.


Image Credit : Christian Wedoy

This final trick is the simplest, you don’t even have to know how to swim to execute this trick! 

All you have to do to make a whirlpool underwater is to dive underwater and hold your breath, point your finger up and spin it around in a circular motion – Congratulations, you’ve got yourself your own mini underwater whirlpool.


Reading about all these tricks has got me excited to try it out myself in the pool. Hopefully your adventurous spirit has been sparked and you are equally eager to try out these 6 mind-blowing tricks. Why not come try it out in your next class with us? If you don’t know how to swim or need someone to help you conquer these tricks, check out our Condo Swimming Lessons to let us help you!

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Eunice Chua

Content Writer

Hello everyone! I'm a Eunice Chua. 

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